How We at Chen Immigration Law Associates Draft Reference/Recommendation Letters for Clients

by Chen Immigration Law Associates  04/10/2012 Reference letters are important since they serve as crucial evidence for the meeting the necessary criteria. They can be used to demonstrate or confirm the significance of the applicant’s work and the recognition of their achievements. Therefore, we at Chen Immigration Law Associates draft reference letters for clients to help them build up their credentials and strengthen their cases. First of all, after retaining us, clients will have a detailed Read more [...]

Cases Denied due to USCIS Administrative Errors No Longer Need to File Motion to Reopen but Only Need to Make Service Requests

by Chen Immigration Law Associates   04/05/2010 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has established an expedited process for reviewing and correcting decisions resulting from certain administrative errors. This process enables customers to request an expedited review of their case and correction of the decision where data entry and/or an administrative error resulted in a denial or rejection of their petition or application. A customer or his or her authorized representative Read more [...]